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Self-Awareness & Healing
I love Who I am.
Personal Integrity Is Your Built in System to Achieve Lasting Happiness
Do you want to be happy? The really deep, sustainable happiness that is able to weather life's unpredictability and brings about an internal feeling of wholeness that dissolves self doubt and anxiety. To do this, you have to align with your divine truth. You have to...
Let’s Talk about the Polarity Shit Storm we are experiencing: enough of the fear already!
Could the world be any more extreme? Who is right and who is wrong? Who is lying and who is telling the truth? What is happening? It's clear to me that the only way out of this shit storm of polarity is to get real with our personal integrity and stop living in fear...
Life as we knew it was derailed by the fear surrounding Covid-19. Waves and waves of fear have been unfolding and we have had an opportunity to get real with who we really are. Wherever there is fear, there is always an opportunity to awaken and grow spiritually. I...
If the simple step of focusing your attention on your breath has the immediate power to bring your consciousness into the now moment and create peace of mind, then it is a universal tool (or design) built into the fabric of every human being. Trust it! Use it! Breath in and breath out.
Be Your Own Brand?
This morning I found myself staring at the 6 different brands of shampoo in my shower and wondering if there is any real difference between them. Will the Argan Oil result in the least frizziness but strip my color or will the color protector shampoo do both. ...
My all-time favorite affirmation is I LOVE WHO I AM. No matter where I am or what I am doing, this statement always brings me back to center. It's like a homing device. Build a relationship with the phrase by using it in meditation. Try saying it with each inhalation....
Universal Truths
There are universal laws guiding the human experience. The beauty of you is the unfolding of your free will within these systems.
Personal Integrity Is Your Built in System to Achieve Lasting Happiness
Do you want to be happy? The really deep, sustainable happiness that is able to weather life's unpredictability and brings about an internal feeling of wholeness that dissolves self doubt and anxiety. To do this, you have to align with your divine truth. You have to...
Please Stop giving Your Power to the Politicians; Focus on LOVE
Stop giving your power to the politicians. Let's find a different solution; INTERNAL PEACE. Just so we’re all clear on how mass consciousness works, what’s happening on a political level is reflecting, mirroring, to you your own internal state of affair. Please stop...
Stop Basing Your Self Worth On Money Because Love Is The End Game.
I am a Medium. This means that I converse with beings on the other side that do not have physically dense, three dimensional bodies. But they do have consciousness and an adaptable, light body form that changes according to their thoughts. I have been conversing with...
Death is a very sensitive subject that we need to create conversation around. I invite you to think about it. It has been my experience, as a Medium, that energy never dies, it only changes forms. And I have observed that absolutely every soul has the option and ability to connect to love and cross over.

Death is and crossing over follows; the story of the Aethiest Rock.
There is a natural process that automatically unfolds as you are dying that is assured as the process of birth; you do crossover to a different realm of existence when your body dies. For birth, we all seem to know and 100% agree that the baby must come out of the...