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Simply Spiritual

Welcome to exploring your unique, spiritual truth.

 New Class: Evolving Through Love: A Deep Dive into your own Healing Created by Alison Ledbetter and Holly Garcia

Holly and Alison invite you to take an inner journey of discovering and consciously reshaping your relationship with love through movement, breathing, sound, guided meditation, personalized affirmations, and group discussions. An essential spiritual principle is we are designed to heal ourselves and evolve by folding inwards and connecting to our own divine essence of love in our heart to guide us. Our childhood experience of love shaped our perception of love and subsequently has great influence over our current relationships with ourself, others and with the divine. However, the early definitions of love can be very warped and sometimes painful; to be honest most of our parents were not very conscious and kids have a soul contract for what needs to be healed this lifetime. We have designed this course to help you become conscious of your current relationship to love and then make choices about what works and what does not by using movement, breath, sound and guided meditation. Healing your  relation with love has the potential to release old stuck energy from the body, create inner stability, reduces anxiety, alignment with divine purpose, increase joy, increase self confidence, eliminating self defeating beliefs, feeling true support and increasing self acceptance.

Wednesdays 1:30 to 4:30  October 16th, 23rd, 30th and November 6th

Register at New Moon Yoga Studio in Franklin by clicking here. (scroll down on their page)

Cost is $125 per class. We highly recommend participating in all 4 classes because they build upon each other.

Class capacity: 10 No Yoga or Meditation required

All Things Woo -Woo is a new discssion style class exploring the energy and layers of information supporting our physical reality

October 22nd. Death is a hard thing to wrap our heads around. There’s not a lot of science; so we trust our religion and stories from friends and family. And even then, most of us miss the reality that our loved ones absolutely still exist. Alison’s experience with life after death and instant mediumship started the day her mother died when she was 27 years old. Join Alison as we explore the reality of life after death. We will share our stories together!

October 29. Ghosts, haunting, cold chills, and smelling perfume when seemingly no one is there are all real. Unfortunately, dark energy does exist in a different dimension and frequency! Trust your intuition when you feel that chill…protecting yourself is necessary and surprisingly easy. Ghosts can heal! Land can heal! Join Alison as we explore all aspects of stuck, dark dead energy.

Robbie Short and I are shaking things up with our deep, spiritual discussions on Awakening Soul Truth. We are on a mission to inspire, teach and awaken people to a deeper version of themselves. Each video examines a spiritual topic, teaches practical skills, includes affirmations, and ends with a meditation. New Videos every Friday. Join us and share us with friends and family that you want to give a spiritual nudge to; perhaps we can help you communicate your deeper truth. And thank you for listening to are YouTube Channel, subscribing, liking, all of your engagement helps the YouTube algorithms.

Who is Alison Ledbetter?

Alison is an intuitive healer, medium, and Reiki Master. Filled with a profound sense of purpose, she has dedicated her life to the art of healing. Read more about her story and path to becoming a healer.

What services do I offer?

As an Intuitive Healer and Medium, I offer a unique perspective to stuck emotional pain by communication with your soul and past lives. Every session is truly a journey bringing awareness and love to your next step to becoming the best version of you!

My services include:

  • Reiki Healing Sessions
  • Medium Readings
  • House Clearing
  • Classes

Self Awareness & Healing

Love who you are.


Create peace of mind.

Universal Truths

Learn about the Universal principles that shape our expereince.


Every person is to cross over into the divine spiritual plane; this is not a system based on judgement.



“Every session with Alison is different and profound in it’s own way. I always leave feeling more connected to myself and better equipped to handle what’s next. Alison has a way of lovingly and thoughtfully relaying the information she receives, which makes me feel like I’m being carefully nurtured through the whole process by someone who genuinely cares.”


Ready To Explore Your True Nature?

If your ready to discover a deeper truth about yourself or talk to your deceased loved ones or learn about your past lives, please call or text me to schedule an appointment.
